Trail stand

The light version of a centre stand

In the life of every motorcycle traveller, there will be a moment when he will have to face a punctured tyre problem. This may be pretty easy with tubeless tyres. All he needs to do is use a repair kit like pressurised tyre sealant or plug special rubber strip into the hole. Then get to the nearest tyre fitter, where he can make a professional repair. However, in motorcycles with inner tubes, the situation gets a little more complicated. (more…)


Luggage plate

Let’s be fair!

I was planning to put this description in one article, which would include information about the pannier rack and the luggage plate. So I will not make the Workshop menu look like a neverending story. 😉 However, as I sat down with a coffee in my hand to read what I wrote, I was horrified to say I could not do it. It would not be fair to the manufacturer of the plate. I still feel a little bit of disgust when I think about pannier rack. The luggage plate did not cause too much trouble, although I had to modify it. (more…)
