Adjusting the plan

Everything was going according to plan almost like a Swiss watch, until to the last moment. We have sent all our belongings to Poland, Łukasz gave notice at his work, I have sold the business. We moved out of the house. Last three weeks we were going to live with friends while waiting for a flight to Poland. (more…)

Way back home

We got it! We present you the outline of the “long way home” route we want to travel during our motorcycle journey. Of course, this is just an idea. A plan that we will not stick to rigidly, but we leave space for unexpected events, which probably we will remember for the longest time. After all, the best adventures happen when are unplanned and unexpected, do not they? 😉 (more…)

Test Eurotrip 08-09/2019, part 2.

Day 9. 31/08

Alwin went his own way but before we set out we have to buy compulsory insurance for Albania. There is a small shed outside the port looking like container converted into the office. An agent sits behind the ramshackle desk and laboriously write out insurances. Everybody standing in the long queue is confused. This is because not everyone is prepared to pay only cash and in euros. Including us, because we planned to withdraw the local currency from an ATM or pay by card. (more…)

Steering damper

Power steering

The steering damper was not our priority. Honestly, we did not focus on buying it at all. We have been riding motorcycles for a few years and so far we have not had a situation when our skills were not enough to get out of trouble in the situation of uncontrolled handlebar movements, called shimmy. The fact is that we have never experienced real, cruel shimmy… (more…)

Test Eurotrip 08-09/2019, part 1.

Day 1. 23/08

Normally during foreign motorcycle expeditions, we have to first get out of the island by ferry. Not sure about the intensity of “holiday” traffic, we set off early having a lot of time in case of bad traffic. Because the ride is smooth, we are in the port before the scheduled time. We get in a queue and slowly ride towards check-in gates. One by one we pass the guard, who sometimes stops someone randomly for a luggage check. And we are this “random”! Oh, for what we were meticulous packing and clogging every free space in a bags since everything will have to be removed! Fortunately, the customs officer only puts a card with pictures in front of us, asking if we have any of the items shown. Well, the machete would not fit in our luggage. The drawing also shows other tools and knives, but I hope our sheath knife does not count. We deny and the customs officer lets us go without looking into the panniers. Phew! (more…)

Scottoiler – motorcycle chain oiler

Extending chain lifespan

This accessory does not have to be presented to anyone who has contact with the world of motorcycles. For those, who do not know what I talk about: Scottoiler is a company that makes motorcycle chain oilers among other things. The device is responsible (as name shows) for keeping the drive chain and sprockets oiled, to extend their lifespan. (more…)

Kouba link KTM8-2

Kouba Link

Lowering the bike – Monia can finally reach the ground

Sometimes what seems to be a very good solution for one person turns out to be a punishment for the other. That’s what happened in the case of the height of the motorcycle seat, which fits my needs. Unfortunately, Monika did not fully share my optimistic opinion. With her 171 cm height and seating point at 935 mm, the situation was a little complicated. In fact, she barely reached the ground with the tips of her boots, while I was more confident in putting my foot on the tarmac. This caused several bike drops when riding in the terrain, as she could not reach the ground. Wham! Every now and again KTM landed on its side. Fortunately, Monika usually avoided being crushed by a motorcycle, by jumping off to the side. (more…)

Trail stand

The light version of a centre stand

In the life of every motorcycle traveller, there will be a moment when he will have to face a punctured tyre problem. This may be pretty easy with tubeless tyres. All he needs to do is use a repair kit like pressurised tyre sealant or plug special rubber strip into the hole. Then get to the nearest tyre fitter, where he can make a professional repair. However, in motorcycles with inner tubes, the situation gets a little more complicated. (more…)